11 Survival Tips for the Night Shift Work from Home Setup

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In today’s economy, many Filipinos are choosing remote night shifts to earn a more competitive salary. Working for clients in countries like the US, UK, and Canada allows Remote Filipino Workers (RFWs) to earn in foreign currencies, sometimes even reaching a six-figure monthly income in pesos!

But adjusting to a night shift work from home setup comes with challenges. It’s not uncommon to feel isolated from family and friends due to the reverse schedule, experience disruptions in sleep quality, or struggle to maintain a sense of routine and motivation when working through the night.

In this article, we’ll share strategies from experienced night-shift remote workers to help you manage the physical, mental, and emotional demands of night shift work from home. Whether it’s tips for better sleep, maintaining social connections, or improving focus, these survival tips aim to make the night shift lifestyle healthier and more sustainable.

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Night shifts are common in remote work, especially for Filipino workers supporting clients in the US, Canada, and Europe. Typical night-shift clients include:

  • Customer Support: Companies that offer 24/7 support for their global customer base need night coverage to handle inquiries and resolve issues, whether in e-commerce, finance, or telecommunications.
  • Healthcare Services: Telemedicine providers, health insurance companies, and medical billing services often hire remote Filipino workers for night shifts to manage appointments, billing, and customer support across time zones.
  • IT and Cybersecurity: With cyber threats and IT infrastructure issues arising at any time, IT and cybersecurity companies rely on remote Filipino workers for monitoring, troubleshooting, and technical support.
  • Virtual Assistance: Many businesses abroad hire virtual assistants to handle administrative tasks during their business hours, making this role essential in the night shift remote work setup.

What It Feels Like Working Night Shifts from Home

Night shifts from home can be both an opportunity and a challenge, as many of us in the Filipino remote work community have experienced firsthand. The quiet and focused environment of working at night has its perks, but flipping your schedule takes a toll on both body and mind, especially if you’re new to the setup.

Here are some ways night shifts impact our daily lives and family dynamics:

  • Adjusting Your Body Clock: Shifting to night hours is no small feat. The “time zone flip” throws off your natural body rhythms, and staying alert at night while resting during the day can be disorienting. It affects everything from energy levels to sleep quality, and this adjustment isn’t easy for most of us.
  • Feeling Isolated: Working while everyone else sleeps can feel pretty lonely. Without the typical office environment, there’s a lot less interaction, which can be tough on mental health over time. We’re often on a different schedule than family and friends, so staying connected takes extra effort.
  • Balancing Family Dynamics: In Filipino households, where family togetherness is deeply valued, working a night shift from home can shake up the usual routine. Family members might unintentionally make noise during the day, misunderstand our need for rest, or struggle with our new hours. This can lead to tension if we’re not able to communicate boundaries and set expectations clearly.

For those who’ve experienced night shifts in the BPO industry, this lifestyle might feel familiar and a bit easier to manage. But if it’s your first time navigating the night shift work-from-home setup, it can be overwhelming.

Health is wealth. And the toll on your physical and mental health might make you question if the night shift setup is truly worth it. So, let’s explore practical ways to manage these challenges and make the night shift lifestyle more sustainable.

switching night and day routine

How to Stay Healthy & Balanced in the Night Shift Work from Home Setup

1. Prioritize Your Sleep

Let’s be real: if you’re working the night shift from home, prioritizing quality sleep during the day isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Aim for a solid 7-9 hours to keep yourself sharp and in good spirits.

But anyone who’s tried sleeping during daylight knows it’s not exactly the most conducive to rest. For me and other remote workers I know, blackout curtains are a game-changer. They’ll keep your room as dark as midnight, even in the middle of noon. Keeping your room cool and dark gives you a solid head start on a restful morning or afternoon of sleep.

Blackout curtains are also pretty easy to find in online marketplaces like Lazada.

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And if blackout curtains aren’t an option, a sleep mask is a great alternative. It’s affordable, easy to use, and blocks out enough light to help you get that well-needed rest.

Lastly, noise can be a bit of a problem especially in the day. If you’re like me and you hate wearing ear plugs while sleeping, then you can try playing brown noise like I do. There’s plenty of free videos on YouTube – just be sure to use an adblocker.

2. Consider a ‘Disruptor-Free’ Period Before Bed

Reduce screen exposure at least an hour before bedtime to help signal your body that it’s time to wind down. Blue light from screens can disrupt your sleep cycle, making it harder to fall asleep. While I know remote workers spend a lot of time on screens during the work hours, it’s crucial to carve out a “screen-free” period before bed.

Rather than scrolling through your phone or laptop, consider engaging in more analog activities, such as reading a physical book or practicing meditation. These alternatives can help you unwind and set the stage for a better night’s sleep.

But if you’re like me who winds down through playing video games or watching anime, consider using a blue light filter on your devices. Many operating systems have this feature built-in, or you can download apps that adjust your screen’s color temperature to reduce blue light exposure. These tools can help minimize the impact on your sleep cycle. But do consider playing games that are more relaxing or low-stress rather than high-energy ones right before bed.

Additionally, be mindful of other disruptors such as coffee or energy drinks, which can linger in your system and make it harder to fall asleep.

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3. Follow a Consistent Routine

Establishing a consistent routine can significantly stabilize your body’s internal clock, even if your schedule runs opposite to the typical work day. I’ve found that trying to wake up, eat, and go to bed at the same times every day, including weekends, helps create a rhythm that my body can rely on.

This regularity can create a sense of normalcy, making it easier for our body to adapt to a night shift lifestyle. Over time, you’ll find that your energy levels stabilize, helping you to be more productive during your working hours.

To enhance the effectiveness of your routine, try incorporating small rituals that mark the beginning and end of your day. For example, you might brew a cup of tea or take a short walk. Me, I have a quick 10-minute video game and stretching ritual every time I wake up.

That said, sticking to a routine isn’t always possible. When I inevitably miss my ideal bedtime – like last week when I missed my regular schedule by 3 hours (because life happens), I have a strategy to get back on track.

Instead of trying to force myself to return to my regular schedule all at once, I gradually reintroduce my routine. For instance, I’ll aim to go to bed an hour earlier, then reduce it by another hour the following day until I’m back to my normal schedule.

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4. Master the Power of Light

Ever watched Avatar: The Last Airbender? In the series, elemental masters wield the powers of nature to enhance their everyday lives. While you might not be able to bend water or fire like those skilled masters, you can learn to harness the power of light to improve your night shift experience.

Light exposure plays a crucial role in regulating your alertness, so managing it wisely is key. Ideally, start your shift with bright light exposure – natural sunlight is the best option. However, that may not always be feasible for everyone.

If sunlight isn’t available, consider using daylight lamps or blue light devices, which you can easily find at hardware stores like Ace or Wilcon. I personally prefer shopping in-store because it allows me to see the light’s intensity and color temperature in person, rather than relying on online images that may not accurately represent the product.

As your “night” (or end of shift) begins, it’s important to gradually reduce your light exposure. Dim your screens and lights to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. This gradual transition will help you smoothly shift into your rest period, making your upside-down schedule more manageable.

5. Stay Active with Movement Breaks

Working night shifts can make it easy to slip into a sedentary routine, especially if you’re stationed at home. Aim to take breaks every hour – even just a quick stretch or a short walk can make a difference.

If possible, try to build a more structured workout routine. Exercising shortly after waking up (in the evening) can lift your mood, boost energy, and support your sleep cycle. One of the perks of exercising during nighttime hours in the Philippines is that it’s much cooler, making home workouts more comfortable. And if you’re looking for a gym option, Anytime Fitness is open 24/7, so it’s perfect for a quick session during your break.

For those who prefer home-based workouts, there are tons of great options on YouTube. Personally, I enjoy Lucy Wyndham-Read’s 7- to 15-minute workouts. They’re quick and easy to follow. You can target specific health conditions (like cholesterol) too.

6. Eat Balanced, Energizing Meals

What’s a typical Pinoy night shift diet? It’s often a quick mix of instant noodles, coffee, energy drinks, fast food, and convenience store snacks. Honestly, it’s hard to live without any of these. But while these might be delicious and convenient, they don’t do much for your long-term energy or health, and they can lead to mid-shift crashes.

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But as much as you can, try to substitute them for balanced meals that include proteins, whole grains, and vegetables. For me, learning to cook with an air fryer made this so much easier. Here’s a link to a chicken breast recipe that I find easy and delicious too.

I got my air fryer from Lazada. Just a tip when buying, a 3.2L air fryer is enough for meals up to 2 people. So for families, you might need a size that is at least double that.

If you don’t have the time or the energy to cook, there are still quick, healthier options you can find at your local supermarket or even at places like 711. Ready-to-eat options like boiled eggs, canned tuna, unsweetened yogurt, or pre-packaged salads are great choices. Fresh fruits like bananas or apples can also give you a quick energy boost.

A daily multivitamin can help fill in any nutritional gaps, particularly B vitamins for energy, vitamin C for immunity, and magnesium to support muscle function and sleep. Taking care of your nutrition can help you stay focused and energized through every shift.

7. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water during your shift is key to staying alert and energized. Dehydration can sneak up on you and lead to fatigue, so keep a water bottle handy and take regular sips throughout your shift.

For a bit of extra convenience, consider a temperature-keeping water bottle to enjoy cool, refreshing sips all night. Setting reminders to drink water can be helpful too, especially when you’re deep in focus – it’s a simple habit that makes a big difference in how you feel.

8. Find Ways to Keep Your Spirit High

Working night shifts can feel isolating, but there are ways to make it easier on your mental well-being. Try to build small, enjoyable routines into your day, like planning a favorite hobby or connecting with friends or family during off-hours. Knowing you have something to look forward to can make the shift more manageable.

It also helps to find joy in the unique perks of the night shift. These include:

  • Peace and Quiet: Enjoy the tranquility of the night, which can help you focus and be more productive without the usual daytime distractions.
  • Discounted Treats: Bakeries like French Baker and Tous les Jours often offer discounts on breads and pastries at night, so you can indulge in some cheap filling bread as you start your shift.
  • Global Connection: With time differences, you can play games or chat with friends or family in different countries while they’re awake. It’s a great way to bond and enjoy some fun interaction when you’re on a night shift!

And I’m sure you can find more that’s completely uniquely for you.

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9. Keep the Family Close Even with Opposite Schedules

Working the night shift while everyone else in the household is on a regular day schedule can definitely feel like you’re in your own little world. But with some open communication and planning, you can make this work without missing out on valuable family time.

Here are some ways to keep family connections strong even with your unique schedule:

  • Set Quiet Hours: Discuss your sleep schedule with your family and agree on “quiet hours” when they’ll keep noise to a minimum. Simple adjustments, like shifting chores and noisy activities, can make a huge difference in helping you get restful sleep.
  • Plan Special Bonding Activities: Whether it’s a family movie night or a midnight trip to McDo on your day off, quality time doesn’t always have to happen in the daytime. Find small ways to bond, even if it’s late. These moments, however brief, build core memories and remind your family that you’re present and involved.
  • Share the Love with Quick Check-ins: Maybe that’s a quick playtime with the kids when they wake up, sharing a meal together before your shift, or even sending a short video message during your break. Small gestures like these go a long way in keeping everyone feeling connected!
  • Make Rest Days Family Days: Schedule your rest days for quality family bonding, like Sunday lunch at home or a quick outing. Spending time together even once a week keeps you involved in family life and shows that, despite your schedule, they’re a priority.

For parents working from home, night shifts can actually open up new ways to share parenting responsibilities. Rotate your schedule with your spouse to balance duties and enjoy bonding time with your kids. While you’re at work, your partner can handle the nighttime routine, and when you finish your shift, you’re there for breakfast and morning playtime. This setup helps both parents stay connected with the kids and gives each partner dedicated family moments that fit around work schedules.

With a few adjustments and honest communication, you can balance work and family life, even with night shifts. Building routines that support both your career and family life is key, and with everyone on board, the adjustment will feel like teamwork.

10. Plan Your Downtime

I used to feel like my off days were just slipping by without much purpose. But when I started using my downtime on shift more intentionally – whether reading, getting outside, or catching up with friends – it felt like my free time actually mattered. It’s amazing how a bit of purposeful rest can make both shifts and days off more satisfying (and help prevent burnout too!)

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Here are a few ideas on how you can make your downtime more meaningful:

  • Get Outside: Night shifts can make you feel a bit disconnected from nature. If you can, go out and touch grass! A short walk outside or just a bit of fresh air can work wonders for your mental clarity and mood.
  • Catch Up with Friends: Sometimes, all you need is a quick “chika” session to unwind. Grab a cup of coffee or set up a video call with friends who also work nights or are just early risers.
  • Work on Your Skills and Hobbies: Maybe you’ve been wanting to learn a few new ulam recipes, try your hand at drawing, or finally finish that game you’ve been putting off. Downtime is the perfect chance to enjoy things you don’t normally have time for on busier days.
  • Play a Sport or Exercise: If you have a longer break, consider shooting some hoops, stretching, or even taking a brisk walk. Physical activity during downtime can give you a refreshing energy boost.
  • Read or Listen to Podcasts: Take a few minutes to dive into a book or listen to a podcast that interests you. Not only is it a great way to relax, but it also keeps your mind engaged.

It’s totally up to you what you do, you can even switch it up every time. What’s important is that plan and engage in things that bring you joy and recharge you.

11. Adopt a Preventive Approach to Mental Health

Just like physical health, your mental health can benefit from a preventive approach. Taking proactive steps to care for your mental well-being can help manage stress before it gets overwhelming.

Some common ways to manage mental health are:

Sounds familiar? Yes, these are some of the tips shared earlier in the article. The key takeaway is that mental health should be prioritized, and you don’t have to wait until things get too overwhelming. If things feel too heavy, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

Conclusion: Success in Night Shift WFH

Working a night shift from home offers financial rewards but also brings unique challenges. To make this setup sustainable and avoid burnout, it’s essential to set clear boundaries between work and personal life, family time, and self-care.

Ultimately, if the strain of night shifts becomes overwhelming for your body or mind, it might be worth considering a schedule that aligns better with your natural rhythm. After all, no paycheck is worth sacrificing your health, relationships, or, at worst, your life.

Embrace what works for you, and don’t hesitate to make changes that prioritize your well-being.

jack mina's cat

Jack Mina

Jack Mina, the co-founder of Remote Filipino Worker and Gigant.com.ph, has been in the digital freelancing industry for over 8 years. His aim is to help independent professionals and freelancers develop long-term and successful careers using the internet as their primary tool.

He spends his free time cooking, gaming, and taking care of his pet cat Gremmie.